Responsibility is the ability to respond appropriately. Within that definition, we can all see how we have responded appropriately or inappropriately in certain situations. No one is perfect. We cannot always do the right thing or say the right thing.
But, what does it mean when someone tells you that they no longer want to be responsible for your feelings? Can someone "make" you feel? Do you feel a certain way based on how someone talks to you or treats you? The short answer, "yes". If someone talks quietly and in a caring manner, I feel cared about. If someone shouts at me, I feel scared and less of a person. If someone ignores me, I feel lonely.
How, then, can someone remove their responsibility for how you feel around them? Basically, they tell you that they don't want to be involved with you in any way. This would be the responsible action to take in order to end a relationship. This has partly happened in my relationship. He no longer wants the responsibility of how he "makes" me feel. He does not want to take his part in the failure of this relationship, and there is nothing I can do about this. He has never been willing to look at his part, instead, always pointing out my defects and problems. I guess this is a way to save his ego....meanwhile, I have to pick up the pieces of my sad and lonely life. Sad, because I feel like a special person that has never been recognized as such. Lonely, because I have wasted so much time waiting around, that my prince has come and gone more than a few times. The responsible thing for me to do? When you figure that out, let me know.
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