Friday, July 13, 2012

The Fox

Just now, as I was walking the dogs, a fox followed me around the block.  It was only 10-25 feet away from me the entire time.  It seemed timid, as wildlife will...but seemed to also know that he could trust me.  The fox almost followed me all the way home but was startled by the neighbors....we put some stinky, smelly catfood out for him.  Hopefully he eats it, skinny as he was.

I have always known that a fox is on my animal totem....but it wasn't until I saw this little thing did I understand what it meant. 
I am reminded what a mystical creature the fox is.  It guides those, wishing to go, to the fairy realm.  It escorts the deceased to the other side.  It exists between light and dark, in the twilight.

"Stealthy messenger of the gods,
Cunning and wise, reliable friend,
Guide my steps through this maze of deception
And see this problem to its end."

I am a fortunate and special kind of person to have been blessed with the "friendly to animals" position in life.  They seem to intuitively know that I offer safety and a food source.  My son has been blessed with this gift as well...

Find your peace with nature, for it depends on us as much as we depend on it.  The two are inseparable. 

1 comment:

  1. It just occured to me that this fox appeared next to the Zur Rune Cemetary, and disappeared at the old cemetary at the end of my block....traveling from one realm to the next? Escorting souls?
